As you all know, we've been hard at work sorting the city into an ordered, more attractive place to visit and live in.
Hopefully, attached to this post (or linked from it) is the latest 'map merger' comprising of the existing town layout (in purple) and the planned town layout (in light green), showing buildings already in place where both colours add up to a dark green, and houses that need moving clearly visible in purple.
This should allow you all to see what myself and Pendarric have been working toward over the last few weeks, and we thank everyone for their support and patience as we harass people to move their property here and there.
The names of areas on the map are the 'working titles' of the regions so Pendarric and I know what each other is talking about while we discussed different regions.
You will notice that gardens and factories are not on this map. Once we get the city in working order, we will start trying different gardens in different places to see how they all look. The plan it to use every available slot in our city for gardens, statues etc. Factories we would like to keep all behind the bunkers to the East, but tidy them up into same-size lines. there will also be space for more South of the bunkers too.
This plan is still being modified, changed and improved, taking onboard every suggestion we get. So please, take 5 minutes to look at this map, and wander around town having a good look at where we live, and please post any suggestions/comments.
sizzle = tents in main square sikki/ewelab = large in north south passage tale = medical centre faye = small in northern grid nixy = med in northern grid (garden slot) rasner/vlad = large in northern grid nixy + oblivius +don'rol= small in mos cash ewelab = factory in mos cash kh'aris + borgen +cazie = smalls in bunker city "La Fortezza", MnN, two foxes = bunker in mil.mile relocation ec-udrow + amia + audrie +betth + "abode of awaken" in mil.mile 2nd row elrica/alanna = med in vista drop naschimento = GH in KS square einia = bunker in KS square rebor = 2x small in KS square souti walo = misaligned bunker
The 1 large House ( Mine) and those 2 small Houses above KS Square should be removed, it ruins it abit, ill move the large house to where that bunker is now if the bunker is moved, then you just have to worry about that small house
Beer is not the answer, Beer is the question, "Yes" is the answer.
sizzle = tents in main square sikki/ewelab = large in north south passage tale = medical centre faye = small in northern grid nixy = med in northern grid (garden slot) rasner/vlad = large in northern grid nixy + oblivius +don'rol= small in mos cash ewelab = factory in mos cash kh'aris + borgen +cazie = smalls in bunker city "La Fortezza", MnN, two foxes = bunker in mil.mile relocation ec-udrow + amia + audrie +betth + "abode of awaken" in mil.mile 2nd row elrica/alanna = med in vista drop naschimento = GH in KS square einia = bunker in KS square rebor = 2x small in KS square souti walo = misaligned bunker
As far as i can read only Nixy's houses are in the way not mine...
And euhm if i would see her again i would whap her....