Chapter 7 will re-introduce some familiar faces of evil to the universe of Star Wars Galaxies. Axvka Min and IG-88 are just two of the cunning and powerful opponents players will confront. High level challengers will have to band together to have any hope of defeating these malevolent foes. Get to know the opponents you will face in the heroic encounters of Chapter 7.
Axkva Min
The Nightsisters, often called the witches of Dathomir, are Force-wielding warriors descended from the exiled Jedi Knight Allya. During the era of the Old Republic, Allya was sent to Dathomir by the Jedi, who hoped that she would turn away from the dark side in time. Allya thrived on Dathomir using the Force to tame the wild rancors and hunt prey for food, and as time passed her descendants formed into clans.
One such clan, the Nightsisters, embraced the dark side of the Force. Many of the Nightsisters chant, sing, and cast spells to utilize the "magic" of the Force.
Axkva Min is a Nightsister elder who discovered the art of draining the life force of her enemies to enhance her own power. With each life destroyed, Axkva's hunger only grew.
To afford a steady supply of powerful Force sensitive beings, she set up a personal training retinue, selected from the most talented of the Nightsister Spell Weavers. From this pool Axkva chose the most powerful pupils and sent them out to establish a presence for the Nightsister conclave across the face of Dathomir.
In truth, Axkva was consuming the life forces of these students and later disposing of the bodies when her needs had been fulfilled. When the scope of her atrocities was brought to light, Axkva Min drew the ire of the most powerful of the Nightsisters.
Axkva Min was banished and imprisoned in the dark underground tunnels of Dathomir. She remains a menace to all beings on the planet as long as she lives.
Obsessed with hunting and killing its target, IG-88 also poses a threat to anyone who dares cross its path.
Assassin droids, first created in the days of the Old Republic , were designed to be both independent and intelligent.
The IG-88 model, produced by Holowan Laboratories, was given the most sophisticated programming ever bestowed on any assassin droid.
IG-88 assassin droids ruthlessly stalk the galaxy in hunt of their prey. This deadly, efficient killer works as a freelance bounty hunter and comes well-equipped for massacre.
Glowing red sensors on the droid's head detect heat and allow IG-88 to see in all directions at once. An antenna on the head intercepts and decodes transmissions, and a sensitive sound sensor at the base of the head also detects any sounds its intended victim may make.
IG-88 also carries several weapons of choice, including a flamethrower, sonic stunner, pulse cannon, and a concussion grenade launcher.
Its right hand contains miniature cutting lasers, while its left is capable of intercepting blaster bolts. The assassin droid is also well-defended with blast armor.
The assassin droid's most powerful weapon, however, is its unprecedented self-sufficiency and intelligence. Programmed with an experimental sentience system and sophisticated combat programs, the full extent of IG-88's capabilities is still unknown. All surviving programmers of the IG-88 assassin droids were hunted and slaughtered by their creations to ensure that no one would exploit any design flaws.
IG-88 is known as one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy second only to Boba Fett himself.
Adventurers must match the power and cunning of these two deadly enemies by recruiting allies to their cause. Only by working together can any group hope to defeat these evil creatures in a heroic battle to the death.