We only have a few rules here at KS. so it should be simple to follow them.
1.No imperials (since we are a neutral/rebel guild imperials would spoil our fun ) this also means no imperial pilot and no dark jedi.
2.No harrasing other player (this is much like the no harrsement policie SOE has so no name calling,no sexual,racial remarks ect ect.) if u want to read SOE complete policie try here.
3.Have FUN ( most important rule if u ask me since this is after all a game ment for fun en relaxment even if its very real at some points.)
Failure in complaying to these in my view simple rules will result in a action by the council or a council member this can me anything form a talk to getting kicked from the guild.
I know it hard sometimes to know how far u can take thinks but just use common sence and respect your fellow members and all should be fine.