1. Citizens. Now a few weeks after the condemned house purge we still have 100+ citizens in amber and need 40 to keep the current city rank (and shuttle) also city cost are 60k a week and treasury hold more than 100mil atm . For Ambers ecstatic and possible size reduction of town limits well be asking some citizens to move closer to the central square where there is now some room. Also send mails to some citizens who had the wrong type of house or/and in the wrong area.
Please see to it that if u grant zoning rights u supervise the placing of the house in the correct area.Further lay out changes (lxa square) and adding of move decoration requires further input.(on going)
2. Museum Pendarric asked to move his museum in to the town square this has been accepted and move has been successfully completed.(closed)
3.Militia. Pendarric and Audie still need to be added to militia list, this has been done already by Jibblett (closed) 4. Council members. Removed both Menis and Einia from the council as they have not attended a meeting a very long time (list on forum changed accordingly)(closed)