Summary of council meeting 25th of November 2007 Attending: Pendarric, Audie, Jibblett, Alastrina, Romizzi (was late missed first motion).
Subject 1:Lack of space in amber. It was brought to our attention that there was a lack of space for placement of housing especially mustafarian bunkers in amber ridge, mention this Pendarric gave a brief summary of the work they done and still intend to do on thelayout of amber ridge what should solve the housing problem. On short term fix we have vacated one bunker slot to allow moving of others.(Closed) Subject 2 : Waros imperial alt
Adeli.Through some gossip, I heard someone in KS has a issue with Waros imperial alt, who is in fact the only imperial in KS, I have tolerated this character in KS cause I know Waro uses it for switching the loot in DS and is his Shipwright crafter, and doesnt go out of amber (a lot).But as it was mentioned I thought to ask the council about their opinion.General consensus was to leave everything as it is and take no action.(Closed)
Subject 3:Menis With Meniss return he stirred up a lot of trouble with his surprise of being removed from the council, as I promised him Ill bring it up with the council again to see if there was any mistake or miscommunication.Following this conversation all were in agreement there has been no mistake andremoval of Menis from the council is legit and stands. Ill personally inform Menis of this (pending).
Subject 4: summary of the previous meeting has not been mailed to council.Done this (Closed)