Droid engineering and droid commander are different but it will help each other out. Old quest won't be introduced back to the game= (but they did say they will redo some of the popular ones.
BH / Jedi due next week.
CHAPTER 10!! May 2008
Meat lump Theme park. Puzzles / combated broken into the quest take place after legacy.
Commandos / smugglers / officers
HOTH (no eta)
Imps vr. Rebs
Snow speeder /Reb marines armor / snow trooper armor / Turret control / ATAT player walker you can control / Lucas art approves
Bunch of concept art as well very nice!!
Droid Commander
Beast Masters
Not sure if this will be in / updated when 11 goes live but.
Armor/Weapon Smiths
Player cities
So far that's the updated order I know some are left out but will be updated While this happen the other profs will be getting updates so make sheer you all update your TOP 5
Plus something cool while they do the profs updates they will do Theme up dates
Negative effect will happen if you do server merges
Group interface = chapter 10 If you had a free server Transfer it would cause more harm than good and would ruin low pop servers.
Astromac / forum server updates like how many quest were done on this server and how many people played this prof this day will be updated every Friday + more stuff
Faction city's aka GCW will be getting a look at but might not happen.
Guild updates like collections and such will be coming.
Group + Xp is coming back.
About the buffs they will be in order like this my buffs/player buffs that they add to you/ Item buffs / D Buffs so easier for you to read.
Cant create music, I know sad=( but they did say they will try later on or when they have extra time so not now per say but later.
So all the wonderful TC paintings and items from the TC servers will not every be added to live like the paintings of the storm trooper that was a hack / are only for NPC buildings but the pickup bug made it so youcan pick that stuff up.
Housing Booming will come back before 2009
Showing off your ship / space ship will be added
Docking with other ships / having party's will be added or whatever you wont to do with your friends.
The new crystals like Kun's blood will be added but not at this time. They feel they would like to add it at some point later. They also said the Tri files of all the crystals are wrong they only have models of 4 crystals yet to be shown the others are just the same crystals with new names.
Jedi general expertise will be look at when time permits.
Diversity is still coming though every update and they still wont to see it happen as well. They seem to be really wonting this to happen.
Old planets are still going to get new content.
SWG License is far from over!!
Dev team wont to see this game get better they are really happy about all the stuff thats happening and they said look from now to X-miss and 2009!
No new species and professions, but will add sup expertise professions like BM DC.
Multi grouping will happen so +16 group but they said we have to add the content first before then.
Mustafar and Kash will now be using the new heroic system and updated to min CL70.
GCW will get an update.
Smuggler - smuggle will expand
More body slots like glasses will be added so you can wear a hat.