Hi guys, this is a question for all you Bounty Hunters out there.
Basically, I'm looking for a way to increase my enjoyment of the game and to further the content that you can do on your own beyond just grinding missions.
We all know that grouping is the best idea to do stuff and have fun, but I always seem to have rl stuff on when there's a guild hunt and 80% of the time I have to solo.
Soooo, I thought of Bounty Hunter and running BH missions.
This would involve a major overhaul of my template, which perversely enough I've just completed, so I'd really like an insight into if BH is actually that much fun, not only as a Master, but is the journey itself to Master fun?
I seem to have ground my way to 3 master proffs and not really enjoyed the journey there, so I'd like something that is fun to do.
My biggest regret would be that I'd have to drop Smuggler completely if I wanted to keep master pistols, but the profession is so broken and in need of change that it is a waste for me to keep it if it's spoiling my enjoyment of the game by preventing me from doing anything else.
So it's either do something else fun until Smuggler is fixed and then come back to it, or just not play the game as much, if at all.
My account is paid up until July-ish, so maybe with the combat upgrade they might make the game more fun, and actually do something to fix Smuggler by then as well.
Obviously I'd rather keep playing and have fun, so any suggestions for good content that I may not know about are also very welcome.
By the way, for your info, my template at the moment is Master Smuggler, Master Pistoleer and Master TK with freelance pilot 4333.
It's not if I can do it, it's whether the DEVs have fixed the bugs to let me...
mmm the road of getting BH fun mmmm kinda depends on your view of fun :).
not talking about the pistol,carbine,and lcc xp since that is rather easy to get.
The investegation tree is what going to keep u busy.
yes its fun if u like spending alot of time swooping.
here's the deal talking about inv3 now since 1 and 2 arnt as bad :)
First u wake up at DE /yawn.
take a ride to corronet get buffed and wear armor (not all targets as hard but some put up a bit of a fight.
fly to naboo fly to mission terminal mmm fly to informant. now u get a biosigniture so u can track your bounty
head out of town,since u cant launch droids inside out town,after launching the droid head back to town and the starport were u landed your ship.
After a few min u get the location planet of your target mmm lets take Tatooine. Get your ship and fly to tatooine u landed at espa. now u see the wp of your target mm he is hinding close to eisly ,get your ship again and fly to eisly.
once landed target still 3k away. Lauch a seeker to track target. and swoop to wp. once at the wp no target and finaly your slow droid give u the current wp mm 1000m droid lost target soon after, launch a other seeker. heading to new wp. nothing there no new wp so u cirlce around in the hope u find the target close by, min passes new wp found an other 1000m (thinking this person walks fast) launch a other seeker to get a newer wp quicker and head to new wp . once there the target sees u coming and attacks u kill it /yaay 350 inv XP (no not a typo u get around 300-450 xp depanding on lvl mission and your current inv lvl)
After killing the target u find your self closer to espa then eisly and head to the closest shuttle to get back to your ship and start all over again.
Mission time anywere from 15-45min a mission.
So if u like doing this yes it is fun, i myself rather enjoyed myself getting BH although at some points u begin to think the inv tree is never going to get finished.