Star Wars Galaxies: Galactic Gathering 2009 publish schedule update 12 through 16
*Disclaimer*: Per usual, anything on the horizon is still in development and definitely Subject to change.
* Update 12:
*New Droids:
- We want to give Engineering Traders new Droids to craft.
*Pit Droid.
*Mark IV Sentry Droid (ANH)
*Mustafar Mining Droid.
*Engineering Trader Top Issues:
-Allow Engineering Traders to craft Cybernetics.
-Other top issues to be addressed as well.
*Update 13:
-Update 13 is gthe introduction of ouir new player generated content system.
-Players will be able to take on the new Chronicle Master profession.
-Chronicle Masters will create quests that can be embedded on Chronicle Holocrons and sold to other players.
-Star Wars Chronicles will give players the ability to create quests that feature iconic Star Wars characters.
*Update 14;
-Update 14 will feature some new quests for playres to embark on.
-Additionally, in Update 14 the Empire will take over a city.
-Expect new collections in Update 14.
*Update 15:
-To tie in with the release of the novel Star Wars: Death Troopers
-Death Troopers will be an additional permanent quest and permanently altered city added to Star Wars Galaxies.
-The city that fell into Imperial control in Update 14 will now be permanently quarantined and surrounded by the hungry undead who will attack anybody on sight.
-Content around the city will be tiered, getting progressively more advanced as players progress to the center of the city.
-New clothes art will be added for npcs.
*A bunker full of level 90 content will be found at the heart of the city.
-Rebels will be sent to this bunker by Han and Chewie.
-Imperials will be sent to this bunker by Darth Vader.
-Key Characters from the novel will show up for both factions.
*Both factions arrive and find that the zombies have run amuck and destroyed the Laboratory.
-Other art assets will be designed for décor in this lab.
*As the player ventures through the bunker, they encounter numerous zombified characters, each group increasing in difficulty.
*Opponents will include scientist zombies, prisoner (lab rat) zombies, stormtrooper zombies, and zombie Wookiees. (other races may be found also)
*The main questline will be solo-able.
-There will be a side quest line for groups that involves taking out a zombie boss.
*Update 16:
- The war will be a constant backdrop to the game.
- Everyone, of every profession, will be able to make a meaningful contribution for their faction via GCW categories.
* Morale
* Public Relations
- Neutrals may contribute to the GCW by helping either (or blth) faction sides.
*But not without repercussions.
- War is tracked by various metrics that can be used to determine the general health of each faction
- These metrics can be used to determine, at any time, which side is winning the war
-There is no current timeframe for this update
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It's a direct tie in from a novel that is coming out (Star Wars - The Death Troopers) and means SWG will be getting some much needed publicity from LA (who I believe had a rather large delegation at FF).
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