<00:41:50> "Oblig/Josy": To help with moving in to a new structure, the following new commands have been added:
* /pickupAllRoomItemsIntoInventory (/pickupAll or /pickupA for short) command has been added that will attempt to pick up all items in the room of the structure or POB ship in which you are currently standing into all available inventory space. Only available inventory space will be used. Available space in equipped backpack will not be used. Any item in the room that you would normally be able to manually pick up from where you are currently standing in the room should be picked up by this command. If you wish to pick up more items than available inventory space, you can specify the "overload" option with the command by typing "/pickupAllRoomItemsIntoInventory -overload" which will pick up additional items and overload your inventory, but not so overloaded as to prevent you from moving. <00:42:09> "Oblig/Josy": * /dropAllInventoryItemsIntoRoom (/dropAll or /dropA for short) command has been added that will attempt to drop all items in your inventory into the room of the structure or POB ship in which you are currently standing, up to the item limit of the structure or POB ship. Any item in your inventory that you would normally be able to manually drop into the room should be dropped by this command. * /saveDecorationLayout and /restoreDecorationLayout have been added to save and restore decoration layout of a structure or POB ship. You are still responsible for actually moving the items into (and dropping them into a pile in any room of) the structure or POB ship where you intend to run the /restoreDecorationLayout command. These commands are also useful to "undo" a decoration <00:42:18> "Oblig/Josy": change that you don't like, like if your structure decorating "helper" (aka cat) jumps on the keyboard and ruins your decoration masterpiece. Or they can be used to save multiple decorative layouts of the same structure or POB ship, allowing you to quickly switch between decorations. Run these commands and follow the on screen instructions. You can get the name of the room that you are currently in from the "UI Debug Print" window (Shift+Ctrl+G). Saved decoration layouts are not transferred with CTS. Note that these operations save and restore an item's position and orientation by tracking the item's unique id. As such, it will only restore the particular item (NOT a similar item) that was saved. The item to be restored must be placed directly in a room (any room) of the structure or POB ship where the /restoreDecorationLayout command is run. For example, it cannot be in your inventory or inside a container in the structure or POB ship.