Hmmm my intial reaction to that Guildchat disscusion was hoth for load's of new clothes vehicle's and beasty's but after a while I see a lot of potential in Dagobah hmm the Yoda trail's new way to get to jedi knight and Master perhap's and the funny cave for all those dark jedi out there hmm good exploration potential also slight lack of civalization but hey it work's in kash why not in dagobah
Made a Poll out of it izzi :) well mmm I will vote for the planet that will bring the most New Clothes into the game :D its about time they update that and some ID changes as well :D
yet again i cant vote so im just gunna discuss it :p personally i would like to play on courancent becasue i like that kind of atmosphere it would be like corellia coz courancent is 1 big citu and would have a whole load of quests and such would be cool if u could go into most of the buildings and go to top of sky scrapers. maybe laggy but id like it...hmmm if its adventure u want...hmmm dagobah would be worse then dathomir with all those trees and dangly bits and such.. bespin would be cool hmmm some of those i dont even no and hoth would be good if u could build player cities on thme :)