Just thought I'd post a few comments on my experience with medic. I was never a real medic/doctor/combat medic pre CU so this is based purely on NGE.
Currently Eppi is a medic, after trying spy and smuggler I settled here as I seemed to have continuing fun as this class. I think the satifaction comes from being an important support role. Medics really are needed.
They have cool new features including AREA REVIVE, which has saved some quest going pear shaped more than once! This has a long cool down timer though, not surprisingly.
One of my favourite specials is actually an offensive move, the poison cloud similar to a spy's.
Its very potent and is AoE. If AoE can get you into too much trouble, then there is bleed attack that lets you target single opponents which is a useful opening gambit for any fight.
Medics can also give small buffs, one is a stat buff and another is a small heal over time buff which gives 350 hp every few seconds.
Medics, naturally have great heals, the self heal gets me back 4200+ (so far, Im only 86, I think a stronger heal is available) and while that is cooling down, the area heal also hits for 3000+.
The problems you will face as a medic is that the area heal will 100% certainly get you ALL aggro anywhere!
It's far easier and better to hang back avoiding aggro, let people die and then go in to res them. After all if the medic dies, no gets ressed :P
With TWO medics on a team, well, lets say chance of success increases dramatically since each can res the other :) Me and Ardy have had some great success stories :)
I think the main reason for me posting this amateurish review of medic, is to encourage anyone with a spare char slot to give it a shot. If you're really struggling to decide what prof u want to try, medic can be very rewarding.