If you hadn't noticed, I've not been about much for a while now - after it seemed like I'd come back too. Just before the NGE or whatever came in, my job took my away from home for a month or so, and when I came back, I looked at how the game had changed and on first impressions was not impressed. I had other stuff to get done, so I was in no rush to learn how to play SWG again. I kept up with all the updates, and saw the regular bug fixes and changes - meanwhile, caught up with a lot of other games I've neglected over the last year or so (Anyone play Joint Ops, Rome: Total War or Call of Duty?)
I hear that there are a lot of changes to come, and I reckon as I'm in no rush to relearn everything, I may as well wait for it to settle. This means that I problably won't be on over the next few weeks still. I've still got my accounts live, and won't leave without saying goodbye (and throwing a BIG party)
I've heard a few guildees say the NGE grows on you, so it may all end up smelling roses. We'll see. But meanwhile. I've not forgotten ya all (even if you've forgotten me already) Man, I must be one of the 12 oldest existing KS members by now I reckon. Name Check on that?
maybe its cos over the past week I have 'spoken' to Nix more than most people.. the wonders of her being on msn when I am sitting around freezing my nut off and being bored to tears.