1. Come each friday masked to school, and insist that the course will only start if the teacher guessed who you are. Then sit down and be quiet for the rest of the hour. 2. Take a Teddy to school. Intoduce him to your class mates as your best friend and start blaspheming the nearby persons. 3. Go to toilet and rub your hands with soap. Don't clean it, but walk in the faculty and spread it all over the doorknobs and tables. 4. Jump up whilst solo work and yell through the classroom: "I KNOW IT, I KNOW IT!!" Then you silently sit down and say: "nevermind" 5. Take a toothpick to lessons. Throw it up and try to interpret it as sign from the hereafter. 6. Take a lavalamp to school and imitate its motions. If the teacher asks you what you are doing answer him that it increases your concentration. 7. Make your whole class come some minutes earlier to celebrate a surprise party for your teacher. Insist on that lessons don't start until your teacher has eaten from the cake. Ask your classmates always when the stripper will come 8. Hide somewhere in the classroom and don't come out once your teacher is calling you. Sometime, while lesson, you jump out of your hideout and yell: PEEK A BOO! I AM HERE! Then go back to your place, sit down and say nothing for the rest of the lesson. 9. Tell your teacher that you'd like to interview him/her. and make him tell his/her whole life story. Look like as if you were interested and write down everything he/she tells you. Add some romatic scenes and turn out your investigation into a completely trashy novel. Hand out the copies to your students and request for bonus points from your teacher
B Parents/Friends/Roomies
1. Learn the morse code and make public conversations which consist only of Beeeeep Bip Bip Beeeep 2. Suggest your friends to hold up a hair drier on passing by cars to find out if they slow down this way. 3. Give all items some strange names (Printer = writtenPaperSpittingthingie) 4. Reply all E-mails you recievefrom your friends unanswered, but a corrected version free of gramatical mistakes with a grading. 5. If you are requested to do something then give your instructions to the related body part (e.g. Hand, open the door!) 6. Signalize your parents that their conversation is over by *hearnoevil* and loud singing. 7. Embarass you and your friends by saying stupid things like: "Would you please take a closer look at this pile on my short hairs that I took out of my nose?" or "I didn't change my underwear for a week - How abou you?" 8. If one of your friends is asleep, wake him up and ask him: "Hey, what are you doing?" 9. Announce to your parents that your most passionate hobby is collecting the bags of dog dump (dunno if u know that) and tell them you would sort the bags by what the dog has eaten before. 10. Claim that you are a ghost. Insist that no one can see you.
C Public
1. Band a dead duck (or swan) on your back. 2. Say to small children that they don't look very handsome. 3. End your order for Pizza by: "This conversation took never place." 4. Follow someone very discreetly and spray everything he/she touches with desinfection spray. 5. Change your name to "This'n'that" AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasmith, just to have the honor to be the first in the phone book. Demand from people that they have to pronounce each single "a" (Btw isn't that usual in US? I don't live there and in my country have been few name changes for this reason) 6. Stare at a person for five minutes. Make sure that they know you are staring at them. Then sneak silently to this person, humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. Sniff over his/hear head and run away. Rinse and repeat regularly. 7. You are better than everyone else. Let them know it! 8. Tell everyone who likes to know (or doesn't) about your crazy plans to take over world domination! 9. Put a piece of spinach between your teeth. Smile all time 10. Go to the movies and bring your TV remote control. Wonder why it doesn't work. 11. Wear a crown made of paper. Tell passengers they have to kowtow and follow your orders. Beat those who don't follow your commands.