Chapter 8: not sure whether this info can be relied on but here goes:
-All Nuetral space stations are now boardable (like the starter station) and have NPCs that give out missions.
-All Rebel and Imperial space stations are attackable (I perfer this be done in PVP status). Rebels and Inperials can now battle for control of the space sectors. Destroying the stations will give GCW points.
-New Rebel and Imperial pilot gear is available for GCW officer ranks from the faction recruiters.
-The Rebel, Pirate and Imperial fleets have been spotted massing at specific sectors. Travel to your deep space stations and request permission to travel to your fleet's position. Each faction sector has capital ships that can be boarded and you can get missions from various fleet officers. Rewards for completing these missions include new pilot gear (helmets, flight jackets and flight suits), paintings of ship blue prints and star charts, holocrams of several TIE variants, holograms of the a-wing and b-wing, holograms of the YT-2400 and Naboo starfighter, etc.
-Chaff launchers have been removed from the weapon overload list.
-All QID graphic bugs have been fixed.
-Rebel, Imperial, and nuetral gunboats have been added to the game.
-All group members can see mission waypoints in Space (not just the mission holder. Been asking for this since Day 1).
-New craftable X-wing with 2 guns and 2 missles has been added to the game.
-a new cool-looking (sorry but I think the nuetral ships are ugly. Too bad we can't have the Colonial Viper from BSG), pvp capable ship has been added to the game.
-Mustafar now has a space sector with new quests.
-Space lightning can be disabled in the options section.
-Space loot tables have been adjusted so higher level tiers have the greatest chance of droping high-end parts but it is still hard to loot exceptional parts.
Sounds good And i dont think its that much work actually. The biggest part of the work goes into designing the new stuff the rest shouldnt be that hard to code. For example just copy past the avatar boarding apply new textures and layout and there you go :P PS i dont say the source is reliable