Dear Community, This is the lengthy post I sent to some Developers and was later told I should post the entire topic for everyone to see. For those of you who dont know, SWG files can be viewed by certain applications. Taking some of these hidden files and replacing them with ingame files (Appearance Mods) will allow one to see what have been lost in SWG's immense database. No, none of these pictures are photoshopped. My only defense to "Those are Photoshopped" is the fact that some of the pictures have creatures with my HUD infront of them.
Ill start off with the unfinished planet "Taanab", which files were downloaded in the patches to our computers at the launch of the game (I guess Devs wanted to push the game out as soon as they could and figured they would come back to the planet). The planet appears to be somewhat complete, of course lacking content and NPCs. There are files, however, to make up for the lack of NPCs. Many unseen creatures have had their sounds and animations already added to the game without making a debut on live game. I have a few images of these creatures that I have modded into my appearance folder ingame.
Pit Droid (Appeared in Episode 1)
Carax (Size of regular Waluga ingame)
Vog Eel (Huge snake- I'd say the anaconda of SWG)
Ugnaught (Cloud City Worker.... who said they only have to work in Cloud City though?lol) Apparently no clothes were ever made for them.
Kittle (Aqua Kitty - Quite small, about the size of a Jax)
Weird Droid (I think its from Episode 6 at Jabbas Palace, not sure)
Nerf (Lol... cant figure out if you guys made it to be a joke or a creature from Leia's quote "You Scruffly-looking nerf-herder!". It is about the size of a Murra)
Hailfire Droid (CIS vehicle/droid, seen in Ep 2 and 3)
There is so much more, I really wish you guys [Developers] would look into them! Is there a chance the Developers may have forgotten about these creatures? Also, there are quite a few files for the interior of a Star Destroyer, something many players want. It is very much near completion, but of course is very complicated for it to be an appearance mod. Anyways, here are some of my suggestions for the upcoming chapters.
Chapter 8 (Unofficially the Space chapter)
Add the interior of the Star Destroyer to the SD already located in Deepspace (You could also create an interior for the Rebel station, although I have yet to locate these files pre-saved to our harddrives). When pilots say they want more for space they do not just mean they want more stuff to kill in space, they want new instances and what really makes Star Wars what it is - Space Stations that players can enter. Think about it, making the ultimate war effect for SWG.
Players are in Deep Space, the PvP instance for starships. There is 1 Star Destroyer and 1 rebel station and both are sending their fleets forward with all their might. Both space stations have interiors, where players can recieve quests for deepspace and form attack squadrons with other players. A group of Imperial players have just recieved a quest to Blow up the Rebel space station. As the last of the debriefing is completed and the players are heading to the Starship terminal in the hangar bay, the alarm suddenly sounds. The turrets guarding the hangar bay have been destroyed by opposing forces and can now be entererd by the rebels. Because the turrets are destroyed an animation is played where a rebel ship lands in the hangar and spawns about 20 elite NPCs. Five battle-ready soldiers (SF Rebel Players) land as well and start to wreak havoc. The few Stormtrooper NPCs set to guard the hangar are quickly taken out and the other Imperial Players frantically try to destroy the ship (destroying the now attackable ship will cause the turrets to reset and remove the ability for any more enemy player/NPCs to spawn). A message is commed out to anyone near the Star Destroyer to come and defend it immediately.
After destroying all allies of the station in the hangarbay -doing so sends the comm message to players surrounding the station- players can then fight through NPCs/SF players to key points in the SD/Rebel Station to destroy the ship completely. Once the ship/station's bridge has been set to self destruct, players are given 2 minutes to leave the station in which they return to their ships (and remain in Deep Space). If they do not leave in time, they die and must clone to either the starport they launched from or their chosen location (yellow font).
**Players in Deepspace can only clone to their chosen location(yellow font) or their ally ship's cloning facility (ex Imperial = Star Destroyer, even if you die while inside the Rebel Space Station).
**While I only explained how Deepspace would work with SDs and RSSs, all space stations would also have the option to enter them (If faction allowed). Neutral Space stations found above every planet would have the layout of "Tansarri Point Station", Trade Federation stations could be entered if one had the needed faction points, etc.
Chp 9
This chapter would be the introduction of the long-lost planet Taanab, quest lines added specifically for it, long-lost creatures (Carax, Nerf, etc) and new ones just for Taanab. Some of the quest lines could bring in the old hunting trophy files that were never placed ingame. Example of a quest line would be where a hunter trains you and as you complete his hunting missions you recieve the trophies for them. Some of the trophies that I've found in the .tre files are the Ewok, Verne, Swirlprong, Taun Taun, Gurreck, Krayt Dragon, Rancor, Bocatt, Choku, Condor Dragon, Kliknik, Peko Peko, Razor Cat, Slice Hound, Zucca Boar, Bolotaur, Greater Krayt Dragon
**The planet should not be an expansion since we already have it saved to our harddrives.
**It is a 16km x 16km planet just like the core planets, so let us please make houses/cities on it because on the live servers now there is barely any place for new cities.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to post feedback and ideas, just no flames.