ust wanted to warn infinity since kikio no longer can, about the player named bloodykiss/thaodra. This player has been causing tons of trouble by sending tickets to GM's that are false and getting people banned.
bloodykiss claimed that exodus's account is hers. I know a while back he was talking about her somehow getting on his cormaq account. Now claiming that exodus is hers.
bloodkiss tried to claim that val-pyr's account is hers.
bloodkiss tried to claim that jassa's bunker was hers, also tried to claim that his mando, being worn at the time by evowra, belonged to her. Because they were unable to prove that the mando did NOT belong to her, evowra was banned for 1 week, and had both forum accounts banned because of complaining about this.
I didn't see this thread fast enough to save myself... Bloodykiss came to my character IAMNOTAMOOSE asking if I could help decorate her guildhall for her little 9 year old brother's birthday party. She seemed nice enough, so i went to help her out and an architect named Natoo came later too... Anyway Natoo and I lent her a few nice items to put in her guildhall and spent an hour or two helping her decorate the place. Then, the next day, I go back to where the party was supposed to be at the time she had told me and the guildhall is gone. Then, Keguan, her "little brother" sends me a ridiculous email the next day saying that he has cancer and his doctors don't want him to use a credit card because he's sick (?????). He keeps spamming me asking for me to subscribe to his account for a month, and that he was just on the 14-day trial. It just really makes me feel sad that someone is taking advantage of people's kindness to steal a few items on swg. But at the same time, there are always new people out there who need help, so just make sure you know who you're helping. ........................................................................................................................................................................
So I propose we cityban, mall ban, vendor ban these people, its not much but at least its something.