Summary of council meeting 14th October 2007 Attending : Pendarric, Martyn, Audie, Romizzi, Alastrina Motion 1: Meeting room. Current layout of the meeting room has us all staring at a empty wall, suggestion has been made to make a large round table in the mail hall for future meetings. (Very king Arthur)(Closed and thx to Audie for setting up the table and Pendarricfor donating the tables.)
Motion 2: Mayor. With Jibblett current play schedule(due to the birth of his little girl), it was thought wise to have someone else carry the title of mayor, due to Pendarric and Zacharias project of Reorganizing Amber Ridge, we thought Pendarric was the best suited choice at this moment. Motion carried 4 votes (Pendarric abstained) (closed)
Motion 3:New member acceptance. When accepting a new member into KS please send a Guild mail with their name, profession, level and if there are new or a alt.(PSdont forget to send the new members there new members mail )Motion carried 5 votes in favor.(closed)
Motion 4 Recruiters. Suggestion was made to add more recruiters, at this time well only add one and well ask Waro if hed like to do it.(Pending)