without a shadow of dout starport mers that is the worst thing in the world and when they send you to empty vendors its just ultra bad on scale of 1-10 10 beening the worst that gets a 1mil. everytime i enter star port i add more to my list of ignors as for doc's spamming well thats only one that should be aloud to spam in my opinion. they must get like 1 million /t's. macroentertainers now thats a hard one i have never done any entertaining so i can't really coment on it too much but i have heard that its worse then crafting or grinding xp and i hate grinding xp to be speific 42million normal crafting xp to get all 4 trees in jedi crafting stage which btw i still have 41,974,354 to go if i can still like crafintg after this well then its gonna be amazing. oh u left out one paying to get in house that has empty vendors that really sucks. and one more lame but head people that kill terfers doing missions not thats low. TCB always around but nvr seen :) p.s just ingame stuff right? As I have out of game stuff that would fill up a 10gig HD no joke
i tell u the most anoying thing is mos eisleys noob beggers all ways asking 4 dosh and asking me silly qestions about master politician which realy i should take that title off but i like it
Is this the right que 4 tickets to the free beer festival
Hrm, i voted on misnamed and empty vendors, which is very anying indeed. Also i hate the fact that one hardly can find what you are looking for unless you know the vendor. For example tell me someone now that knows a good armor vendor
But what i actually wanted to vote on is what i now think was ment by macrotainers. I hate to see those afk macrod grinders at the village (mostly imps). They make the game unfair in my opinion cause they unbalance the game, especially when those jedi imps are gonna attack rebel bases on 2nd christmas day (they actually did, witnessed it). Mostly those are the same ppl that misbuse the caves with special loot and camp at places like acklay. How many times havent i already travelled to a cave to find out that it was cleared already?
Beggers: yup they tick me off... Empty vendors: A big yes there... Buffbots: Too right, ruining the game for whole classes... Spamming: Kerching! I'll take that for a 100, Bob. People who pull out their pets at Coronet: Napalm the lot of them... l33t do00d2zzz: What more can I say? Lag in general: Who doesn't? Lack of Smuggler love: Don't even get me started... Hero of Tatooine quest: Great idea - base one of the best bits of content in the game on completely random spawns of NPCs that are impossible to find. Lost count of how long I've spent trying to do this... Empty med centres: Bingo! Noone can get a wound heal because the 'docs' that are in there are too busy grinding from AFK tumblers. Bleh.... Dathomir: Hate the place, 'cos I keep dieing YT-1300: Why can't you fly and shoot solo?
I'm sure there's more to come, so watch this space
It's not if I can do it, it's whether the DEVs have fixed the bugs to let me...
I really think i have to go with the vendors.. I mean.. thats about the only thing that i have been alittle frustrated in. (i dont mind missnamed ones, but i really think empty vendors are really annoying.)
Dum dum dum Duuuuum.. Anti´s return might draw close.. Run for your lives! (Lets see how many days it take for it to actually work though.)