Might be getting a bit ahead of my self,but better to early then be late :).
I want to know about your idea's for amber.
Starting with what name we should give the city. i was think a bit like "amber edge" or "dune ridge" something like that. well just post everything u can come up with including and ideas u my have,
I understand that people might want a name that includes some part of the old history of the guilds that make up the city, but I have another suggestion if it's not already in use...
'cos hopefully that's what the move will bring for all involved :)
It's not if I can do it, it's whether the DEVs have fixed the bugs to let me...
I agree that Amber Ridge is the best, and only, proposal to come along, and we should act upon it. Considering that they are willing to re-organise, re-name and re-elect a new mayor, they seem to be very considerate to do all this for us, and we should jump at the chance.
My concern is that the town is done right! I still like my mega-city idea with 4 'quadrants' around a central amenities square - I hope the council members and whoever else gets involved (steps forward) work hard to get the town planning down well.
If we build on 2 sides of the central square, we could at a later date - when the town is a thriving metropolis, invite some other struggling guilds to take over the other districts.
As for names of the new Dunes Edge/Amber Ridge town - a mix of both names is a good idea. I proposal Amber Dunes, taking both first names to greater indicate who WE are joining.
I'm off to play with the town planning software that the dude from AR posted in the poll thread - try to come up with some working models.
OK - I've had a play with that town planner software and looked around Amber Ridge. Bottom of this email is link to a proposed cityplan I knocked together. comments please.
Few things. Amber Ridge (AR) is built on a good spot - nice and flat - BUT their city hall in on the EDGE of the flat, so nothing can go behind it, or even in line with it after a certain distance. Town areas are in a circle from this spot. Also, from reading their forum, they have the same problem as us, in that people have placed buildings (mall, theatre etc) and are not about anymore, and they cannot be moved. Scouting the area, there is TONS of un-used flat to the south and eastish. I'd suggest relocating the town hall (or placing ours here) and building a new Amber Ridge/Dunes Edge 1/2 kilometre south of the original.
Looking at their existing layout, they have some nice bits (lots of gardens n open spaces), but it seems TOO disperse. My plan shows a closer formation with broad avenues.
OK. onto my rough, knocked together city plan. The idea is, a central square (or rectangle) wiht the shuttle/bank/garage slap bang in the middle. A row of Town hall/Guild halls/cantina and medical centre along one side. Mall and maybe a few tents opposite. In the middle a sprinkling of uniform gardens and statues/fountains. Houses are strictly regimented by size. a few large either side of the mall for Council member/Mayor etc. Tatooine houses only throughout. Small Mediums and Large have their own districts and streets, that can be extended as we grow. This map has 150+ houses planted already, so tons of room. Keep the lines neat and tidy, and everyone is close to the middle, and the town looks smart.
The space around this plan can be for factories or non-tat houses. Tidy still tho. If we move the town hall, the area behind it can become a district for a 3rd or 4th guild (move cantina/medic centre for access)
Pull this apart, modify it, come up with your own - lets bounce this about a bit. Get Amber here to join in. BE decisive. If we have to move - which I grudgingly admit we do, lets do it RIGHT. Together.
Zach x http://swgplanner.tyger.org/?mapdata=ch.-7.42.0/gg.-19.43.0/tp.7.43.0/cm.-12.44.0/cc.0.43.0/cs.-4.29.0/cp.-9.29.0/tp.-6.17.2/cb.1.30.0/tm1.-29.42.1/tm1.-29.37.1/tm1.-29.32.1/tm1.-29.27.1/tm1.-29.22.1/tm1.21.42.3/tm1.21.37.3/tm1.21.32.3/tm1.21.27.3/tm1.21.22.3/tl1.-15.15.2/tl1.-22.15.2/tl1.5.15.2/tl1.12.15.2/tl1.19.15.2/tl1.-29.15.2/tl1.-29.8.3/tl1.-29.1.3/tl1.-29.-6.3/tl1.21.8.1/tl1.21.1.1/tl1.21.-6.1/tl1.21.-13.1/tl1.-29.-13.3/tm1.32.27.3/tm1.32.22.3/tm1.32.32.3/tm1.32.37.3/tm1.32.42.3/tm1.-40.27.1/tm1.-40.22.1/tm1.-40.32.1/tm1.-40.37.1/tm1.-40.42.1/tm1.37.27.1/tm1.37.22.1/tm1.37.32.1/tm1.37.37.1/tm1.37.42.1/tm1.-45.27.3/tm1.-45.22.3/tm1.-45.32.3/tm1.-45.37.3/tm1.-45.42.3/ct.-4.11.0/ts2.-11.11.0/ts2.-14.11.0/ts2.-17.11.0/ts2.-20.11.0/ts2.-22.8.1/ts2.-22.5.1/ts2.-22.2.1/ts2.5.11.0/ts2.8.11.0/ts2.15.8.3/ts2.11.11.0/ts2.14.11.0/ts2.-22.-1.1/ts2.15.5.3/ts2.15.2.3/ts2.15.-1.3/ts2.-20.-5.2/ts2.-17.-5.2/ts2.-14.-5.2/ts2.-11.-5.2/ts2.14.-5.2/ts2.11.-5.2/ts2.8.-5.2/ts2.5.-5.2/ts2.2.-5.2/ts2.-8.-5.2/tl1.32.-6.3/tl1.32.-13.3/tl1.32.1.3/tl1.32.8.3/ts2.-20.-9.0/ts2.-17.-9.0/ts2.-14.-9.0/ts2.-11.-9.0/ts2.-8.-9.0/ts2.2.-9.0/ts2.5.-9.0/ts2.8.-9.0/ts2.11.-9.0/ts2.14.-9.0/ts2.-22.-12.1/ts2.-22.-15.1/ts2.15.-12.3/ts2.15.-15.3/ts2.15.-18.3/ts2.15.-21.3/ts2.-22.-18.1/ts2.-22.-21.1/ts2.-20.-25.2/ts2.-17.-25.2/ts2.14.-25.2/ts2.11.-25.2/tl1.-40.-6.1/tl1.-40.-13.1/tl1.-40.1.1/tl1.-40.8.1/tm1.-55.42.1/tm1.52.42.1/tl1.-45.8.3/tl1.-45.1.3/tl1.-45.-6.3/tl1.-45.-13.3/tm1.47.42.3/tm1.-60.42.3/tl1.37.-13.1/tl1.37.-6.1/tl1.37.1.1/tl1.37.8.1/tm1.47.37.3/tm1.47.32.3/tm1.47.27.3/tm1.47.22.3/tm1.52.37.1/tm1.52.32.1/tm1.52.27.1/tm1.52.22.1/tm1.-55.37.1/tm1.-55.32.1/tm1.-55.27.1/tm1.-55.22.1/tm1.-60.37.3/tm1.-60.32.3/tm1.-60.27.3/tm1.-60.22.3/tl1.21.-20.1/tl1.21.-27.1/tl1.32.-20.3/tl1.32.-27.3/tl1.37.-20.1/tl1.37.-27.1/tl1.-29.-20.3/tl1.-29.-27.3/tl1.-40.-20.1/tl1.-40.-27.1/tl1.-45.-20.3/tl1.-45.-27.3/tl1.-55.8.1/tl1.-55.1.1/tl1.48.8.3/tl1.48.1.3
Your town plan looks nice perhaps a little to organised,but getting it like u want will indeed require a new start like u said.
Only one problem with that is that u make a new town when u place cityhall at a other spot en hence have to start at the lowest ranking 1 and will take 4 weeks to rank 4 again and have shuttleport in those 4 weeks the shuttleport opening max 10 per planet will be taken by other towns and most likely will do anything to keep them (like we did).
other then that it looks the bit, but what is wrong with adapting the excisting Amber layout to suit us.
quote: Originally posted by: alastrina "hello everyone . Your town plan looks nice perhaps a little to organised,but getting it like u want will indeed require a new start like u said. Only one problem with that is that u make a new town when u place cityhall at a other spot en hence have to start at the lowest ranking 1 and will take 4 weeks to rank 4 again and have shuttleport in those 4 weeks the shuttleport opening max 10 per planet will be taken by other towns and most likely will do anything to keep them (like we did). other then that it looks the bit, but what is wrong with adapting the excisting Amber layout to suit us. greetings Alas."
but if there are well from what i have seen before there was a planet with about 15 shuttles on it only way for that to happen was because when a lvl 4 city moves up to lvl 5 they keep shuttle and i think that opens up a lvl 4 city to get a shuttle im not 100% sure but don't c how one planet can have 15 player shuttles i belive that was on ahzai think dant or naboo not sure tho. but also has been long time since i have played there or in swg and i miss it and all my friends alot. let me know if we are moving will find away to log in and move things. thanks TCB