2 good LS Jedi, 2 good Medics (full support) with stasis. (this will be revealed later on) Vent / TS / Voicechat, Your team needs to know its job and do it no questions asked, If you dont have that then you will never get 9 tokens in this instance, SOMEONE has to call the shots and you need players that will listen to those calls...Also someone needs to have a good understanding of this map, getting lost can lose you valuable time, learn the map and know your role...
Phase 1.
Make sure whatever you do, you enter the instance at a time when server activity is at a low, The biggest flaw with the Instance at the moment is login delays causing players to start 2-3 mins to late, or massive lag effecting the Instance.
Im sure everyone knows how to do this phase by now. Start with the rear 3 AT-AT and fly along the back of them performing a figure of 8 untill the first one drops which should be the middle one if performed correctly, DO'NOT take your finger off the trigger, we have all 8 group members constantly firing from start to finish, thats 100k DPS per shot in the team taking out At-St and Imp Npc spawns as we go. Try to apply fire on the front 3 while moving the formation up the field towards the shield Geneartor to avoid the the Newly spawning AT-AT at the back, dont get to close to the front of the AT-AT, this whole section is about getting your barings and knowing what is around you.
If you do this when the instance is relativly lag free then you should do this phase comfortably.
Remeber there are about 12 speeders, you can go back for a new one so keep an eye on your health, you dont want to get shot down in amongst the Imps.
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Soon as the doors open we head straight for the Medical bay, killing any Npcs along the way, dont stop to fight these, they will be killed by the Rebs that guard the Hallway, so dont delay get your shots off but ultimatly keep moving., take down the Golds but dont worry to much about elites. Once at the med bay we split into 3 teams.
Team 1 + 2
3 DPS and 1 Jedi, head for the cantina and clear it.... The Jedi then breaks away and uses the Lift to travel to the room above and take on the 4 Golds in there, with the help of the Reb Npcs. Then exits out of the room either way, heading back to the cross roads near the grotto.
The 3 DPS proceed to the lower hanger and Equipment room, Using baracades and Npc to clear these areas out. Then head back out the way they came in to meet Team 3 in the Crossroads near the grotto.
Part 2.
Team 3.
Which will be 2 Meds, 1 Jed and a Dps, break off in the Medical bay to the Command center, clear that, then they leave via an elevator located opposite to where you entered, this takes you to the Ion capacitor room, Clear this and proceed upto the grotto, Clear this carefully trying not to agro the tauntons, they will actually help you if the Imps throw AOE's and agro them.
Part 3.
Ok so all this is going on at the same time and using this method should see all the Team's finish at around about the same time, Your task now is to all meet up at the cross roads just past the Grotto and Head back towards the elevator you came in at the start to hold off the advancing NPC's, once at the crossroads you cant miss them, the first few spawns will be elites, then its all Golds coming 5-6 at a time. DONOT panic, you have plenty of time to get there, the Reb Npcs put up a good fight and you just need to hold them off, Remember you are defending not attacking at this point...
One guy in the team keeps an eye on the Grotto for the evacuating Rebel Npcs (The Grotto is the last area to evacuate ) Once the last one is visable start to retreat back to the grotto, let the Npcs in the room before the tunnel to the grotto deal with the Imp Npcs and have your team follow the Evacuating (orange) Rebels out towards the Evac elevator. There are about 10 Rebs moving along this corridor, once you see an update for 1 you should be able to run straight to the Evac elevator without any hassle or following npc's, use the Up button and proceed to phase 3.
I absolutly guarantee that as long as your group follows the basics of these steps, with slight variations, you will ace this everytime.
-- Edited by Dodgar at 19:55, 2008-12-04
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Ok now this is where your Jeds and Meds are vital....
Split into 2 teams, 2 Good Dps on the right hand side facing the Hangar, the rest on the left.
Head towards the first set of baricades and then onto the second,Turn and face the Hanger, you are now positioned as the second line of defence, Let the Rebel Npcs deal with the oncoming wave at the first set of baricades, dont get sucked into helping them, hold your ground and use droids if you want and place them to guard...also dont forget COMMS, they dont do much but activated all at once they can help delay NPC's for valuable seconds...again team work and a strong lead is necassary so this option doesnt go wasted...
If you start fighting at the First set of barricades, you will more than likely attract more agro than you want, this causes panic and players start to run back dragging more than is necasary towards vital areas, subsequently you will probably lose 2-3 of your team aswell...If this happens Game Over, Stay at the second barricades.
Ok so the Imps break through, the Right hand side Dps have it relativly easy, they only need to deal with the Assasins that spawn that side, and are basically a diversion, ITS VITAL THAT EVERYONE HOLDS THERE GROUND for at least 1 min to 2 mins....
Your Jeds are the Key. Have the medics pick up 1 jed each, there job is to hold the advancing wave down the Left hand side, and central npcs.
Think EK PH4 but alot harder, you need to support the tanks no matter what, Meds only heal Jeds, Its as simple as that, DO'NOT waste BACTA'S on expendable DPS, unless you are confident your Jed is ok, Ie SB,SR are up and hes 3/4 health minimum....otherwise let area heals do the job to help your dps, they are essentialy on there own here..
With the Jeds forming a defencive wall, the DPS need to pick off all the Assasins down the left side and central columns, use the baricades, if you die get back asap, all the time slowly retreating to the last set of NPC's and the final set of Turrets..
This is your STRONGHOLD and final blocking point, you cannot let anything get past here at all.
As long as your meds have Evasion they shouldnt ever get into combat, which means they can stasis, bacta and heal the Jeds till the cows come home, This is essential, if the meds drop bleeds or shoot and get themselves into combat you will fail this section....
So the Jeds and Meds form a defencive wall down the left, By the time this has happened your right side DPS will have probably DIED...hopefully not, depends how good they are.
Do'not worry about the right hand side to much at this point, there is another set of REBEL npcs just to the rear and they will comfortable pick off any straglers, although keep an eye on it, the Rebs that side move faster than the left and spawn earlier, have one DPS keep an eye to see where they are, The left is the key now, Once you are at the Third set of baricades they should rejoin the main group, pulling npcs away from the Jeds (there will be alot by now) back to the right and using any available Reb npcs and Barracades they can find...
>EXCEPT THE EVAC PILOTS< (these are the guys you are protecting), DO'NOT PULL IMP NPCS TOWARDS THE TRANSPORTS, if you have to, sacrifice yourself to let them move freely, never run them into the Evac pilots.
The JEDI are priority, keep them healed, stasised and blocking the waves of golds and you will FLAWLESS this section.
It takes a bit of practice but is the only sure fire way i know of that you can flawless this phase. Do everything you can to get back down the left side and support the Jeds. this phase is about Defence, not attack, if it helps, pretend you are the 300 of the spartan Army, that is your role here and nothing is breaking that wall.
Key Words here are....
DO'NOT PANIC....!!!!!
Hint: If you have a DS jed and an Officer put them down the Right, they will be awesome there, but your Key is 2 GOOD LS Jedi, without them you will struggle to hold the line.
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