Citizens of the galaxy, in an effort to keep our cities active and bustling the Empire has enacted the Revitalization Act. All mayors of the galaxy will be required to flag all houses which have been abandoned for more than 3 months (90 days). What does this mean for you? Cleaner streets, city growth and prosperity, and a better life for you and your family. Here are more details.
Mayors, if your city is at risk of losing its status and possibly city features such as a shuttle port or specialization, this week is your last chance to to take care of the possibility of lost citizens. On May 1st all citizens and houses whose owners have not logged on in 90 days will be flagged for pack-up. There is a simple way to check the status of each citizen.
Simply go to the City Terminal in the City Hall and click the Citizenship Report and you will get a screen similar to this:
At the top right you will notice a button that says Location/Last Log in. If you click that it will reorganize the list placing those who have not logged in for the longest towards the bottom. For example in my city you will notice there are two citizens who have not logged in for over 90 days.
If you double click on these citizens it will give you a waypoint to the house they are declared in. This will allow you to see where the open space will be so you can pre-plan for new citizens to move in.
But, but, but, but I don't wanna lose that citizen. She's in the army deployed off planet (over-seas) serving her Empire (country). Okay, okay we understand that, and as an Empire, who cares for its citizens, we have created a loop hole only the mayors of the city can enact. We call this the But-This-Citizen-Has-Not-Been-Around-Awhile-But-We-Know-He/She-Will-Be-Back-Soon Act.
On the City Terminal click the Safe House Management button. And you will get a screen like this:
There are three columns: Citizen Name, Location/Last Login, Safe House Status. Simply double click on the citizen's name and it will change the Safe House Status of that citizen. The Mayor will get an email and will be able to confirm it checking the status of that citizen on the terminal screen.
Here are some other words from Moff Millbarge that all should heed:
When a Citizen is flagged as 'safe' - Any Packable Structure the 'Safe Citizen' owns inside of that city will be considered 'safe' and will be exempt from the City House Packup Rules. Structures outside of the Resident City/In another City will not be considered 'safe' and will fall under the Inactive Citizen Ruleset.
Should any City lose rank and be over its maximum number of 'Safe Flags'. The Mayor will be sent an In-Game Mail warning him that he/she is over the City's Limit.
After 4 days (about halfway through a weekly update cycle), if the Mayor has not corrected the limit issue, it will be automatically corrected for him. The system will determine which 'Safe Citizen' to remove based on the length of time they have been offline. The 'Safe Citizen' with the fewest number of days offline will have his/her 'Safe Flag' removed...and will continue down the list until the Mayor is within the confines of the system.
Should there be any other questions, please, contact Galactic Senator Cigaran. All hail his Majesty Emperor Palpatine and the glorious Galactic Empire he rules so justly.
Large windowed looks amazing Requesting permission to reserve a placement for one of these Pen because I WILL be getting one either in AR or not :D LOL Just joshing
<Please insert something witty of your own choosing here>
Looking at the pics, the new stuff looks fantastic and so I think most people will be wanting a swap. The difficulty of this will depend on their footprints in relation to existing buildings I imagine.
O wont be swapping either, that would mean having to decorate instead of just dumping stuff on the floor and goign back out to actually do something :D