but call me a moddy sod but firstly the server was down for ages which is fairenuf considering it was a big update but wen i logg in im naked i cant wear me armour coz i aint certificated so were is the pannel that tells me wat i can equip i go to heal someone damage and nothing happens so i have to pritty much learn the whole game again which i dont have the patence for well which is my own fault and they have used horrible little icons in the toolbar and then wen im trying to learn the game the server goes down wel all i have to say is fk u soe
lol just call me a moddy old git
make me wanna press the cancel account button they should of just left it
mab im like this just cos i dont understand it and wen i get use to it i may like but we will c
Is this the right que 4 tickets to the free beer festival
Well, I can't comment that since I haven't been in it for awhile, But that would probably make me be able to just restart from the beggining and therefore probably make me play it longer. But I really hope SOE atleast gives me some clothes when I'm back, or I won't show myself outside my house for awhile...
Dum dum dum Duuuuum.. Anti´s return might draw close.. Run for your lives! (Lets see how many days it take for it to actually work though.)
right i think i figured out what the cu has done, i went on a group hunt the other day with 4 other ppl and i noticed that tactics and teamwork are the key alll you will get about 6k XP each kill even if u only hit it once (lvl 80 creatures) at 1st its best to attack creature not NPC's
im gunna write a mail in game explaining how to do this
im starting to like CU coz these grouphunts are so much fun!
some cities do not do mission over lvl 15 missions so the place i went to was rori rebal outpost (in a group u cannot defeat lvl 80 by urself if there is more then one)
OOOO what does this button do? Jedi padawan
Well thats something like my first thoughts einia,but after playing it awile,and filling out more bug reports in a hour then i did in a year. (nice testing) i still haven't decided what i actually feel about the CU
So i'll make a personal list.
Its crap because, of all the bugs, the laggy partical effects,did i mention bugs, i can kill a krayt solo (bug) but get killed my a nuna,all my Armor is %#$#$,armor whats that i can't use it, it gives badges to ppl that respec with out haveing them earn it,someone pls explain the stats of armor, Missions are to hard lvl 80 missions are almost impossible even with a group of 4-5,Master dancer what for :) i'll get my inspiration for a newbie in 1 min time,XP is impossible to get unless u hunt in a group,i'll stop now or the list might get to long.
I like it because, well as TKM,And some defense of fencer,swords,pike there was no real challange in the game,(well until the resent coming of some though imps.)u could beat about anything u wanted to solo thats not a issue any more.
I greatly supports grouping,i always like doing group hunts
Proffession have a specific role in combat
U don't get beat by every fencer or pistoleer just because they can do stun dmg and u can't
well i hope i can add to this soon,I still need to try it more .
I'll chuck in my 2p worth too - I'M CONFUSED!!!!!!!!
It looks like the whole game has been revamped to force you to group hunt, which is fine, I love group hunting; but if there's no group around, I can't even attempt to go out solo - those Valarians, which would normally trouble you for a few hit points when there's 8 of them, now just one of them happily wipes the floor with me!!
I'm going back in, see if I can work out exactly how the doc side works, attempt to see how the buffs have changed!
Think we need to start our weekly Sunday afternoon 2pm GMT hunts again
A couple of points about the CU that may cast new light on it for some :
1) The CU was released halfway thru SOE's press released series of tests due to Rage of the Wookiee's being built around the CU (it's dependant on it to run). So we all became lab rats for the devs being late on their deadline with LucasArts (no startling revolations there).
2) SWG is being ported for Playstation 2 and X-Box live slated for pre-Christmas release. The CU being a more simplistic form of combat than the original (and best) game is also their solution of "dumbing" the system down so the consoles can run SWG.
Buff-wise: If I just use the nutrient buff command from the toolabr, it doesn't use a buffpack thing, and does +10% regen, +10% health. If I doubleclick on the enhancer buff pack, it use a pack, and does exactly the same stats. Is there a point to these buff packs anymore??? Cos I have no seratonin packs, but can still give myself a +10% mind regen buff too!!
Oh yeah, and sometimes I can't heal/buff someone cos it says invalid pvp target... what's that all about???
My experience so far is that if you're grouped and organised, then you can take out a lot of stuff. Great for the grouping feel - I've had some good Krayt hunts so far.
Problem is when you're on your own. MOBs health regens far too fast. Single MOBs at your level are VERY difficult to beat on your own. If there's more than one of them, they'll destroy you, even if they're several levels below you.
That makes it difficult to travel and even gain xp as you need to take out MOBs at a similar level to yourself to get more than 1 xp.
While I agree with the more grouping thing, there should still be a place for solo play - as you said, if there's noone about, then you're stuffed.
Conversion of old game stuff to new game stuff is bad... My De-10 is now a wall decoration as a bog standard crafted DL44-xt has far higher damage. Couple of mil wasted there
Conversely, pre cu I bought a scatter pistol in preparation for being BH and it's kick ass. Go figure
Overall I'm liking the cu, but that might be more to do with my choice of profs seeming to be quite lethal and able to use a lot of stuff (I was triple elite master pre cu so had enough points to respec into a killing machine...)
A lot of stuff still doesn't work properly, and it's really overwhelming to see all the new icons and stuff, but I'd suggest you try and get a group going and try and get a feel for it. Ish - Sunday Krayt hunts would be cool. A group of 3 of us were taking out lv 81 ancients without much hassle, so should be good xp and fun for all.
Also, you might want to try and find some lower level critters to test out your specials. One tip - you will need to have your combat chat log open in a new window. There's a lot in there that will help you see what your attacks are doing, plus it's about the only way to see who's attacking you now...
It's not if I can do it, it's whether the DEVs have fixed the bugs to let me...
I got a similar problem Torv Spent a shedload of cash getting a +82 injury & wound treatment doc outfit, only to find it's now totally worthless, since doc/medic/combat med no longer use those modifiers Bloody irritating devs, pissing around with things with no thought for some of the consequences...
Oh yeah, and that doctor bag that master artisans can now make - useless. Apparently it was going to be used, but the devs changed their minds... and neglected to take it out the game. Useless gits.
On the bright side, I'm liking the pistoleer's role in combat... at least there's a bit of strategy and planning in combat now, not just point, start shooting, wait for it to die.
The longer I play, the more I'm getting used to it and actually liking it...
Spent some time in a group that Audie organised, and it was great. I hung back using my crowd control abilities while the melee guys waded in, then switched to my BH damage shots for the final killing, or kept an eye out for any other mobs trying to lynch us, and rooting them.
Unfortunately, I get the impression that solo play for lower levels is bloody awful if you need xp.
They've also just upped the level of Krayts, so there goes one of my little bits of fun
Looking forward to the new content on Kashyyyk. Hoping to spend time looking and exploring rather than burning through it all as fast as I can.
It's not if I can do it, it's whether the DEVs have fixed the bugs to let me...
Is the CU really that bad? Almost makes me reconsider coming back.. I mean, No use in coming back when you will hate it that much anyway?
wtf i dont understand why people are complaing about stuff in the past, i dont mean to be rude or anything but i think the people who dont like it havent even been hunting in a group yet, now out of all the groups i have made not one of them complained about the cu, in fact they had a great time sure it has a few bugs u think they wont be fixed??? its alot easier to XP with the CU plus all combat proffs cap at 1,200,000 XP. Sure u may have things now that u paid alot of money for but are now usless But lvl 80 missions are like 9k each now say 8 peaopl in a group 2 missions each 8x2=16x9=144k what a lair every 7-10mins plus u would get more missions but isnt XP the main thing u need when weopons dont cost as much anymore ?the only thing that i think need alot of work on is the armour system although i dont use armour coz im TKm but even when i put my armour on when i was swords i took twice the damage but that can be fixed with a few bug reports right?
ok that has tto be my longest post lol
Unofficial group hunter Audie or (ordie as devon tends to call me)
OOOO what does this button do? Jedi padawan
I have to agree with audie on this (shocking i know) but after a little adjustment periode i like the CU, it still needs a couple of fixes but overall i think it improves on the game play.
Yes its hard to solo, but not impossible lvl 80 lairs are possible for a TKM,just take em one at a time, i just wouldn't advise it because gouping hunting is faster and more fun.
And "but what if there are no groups around" well first u went to CNET for buffs now go there for a group,seems there always ppl there don't matter what hour in the day it is.