Cross-game Chat for Star Wars Galaxies EverQuest and EverQuest II
Players of EverQuest, EverQuest II and Star Wars Galaxies can easily chat with one another by using specific chat syntax. You can also join chat rooms or send mail to your fellow players. Listed below are instructions on how you chat with your friends across different SOE titles. Messaging from within EverQuest II or Star Wars Galaxies to other servers and other SOE games:
Sending mail uses the same syntax across EQ, SWG and EQII:
7 To send mail to someone in the same game, but on another server, enter their name as servername.charname
7 To send mail to a friend in EQ, enter their name as eq.servername.charname
7 To send mail to a friend in EQII, enter their name as eq2.servername.charname
7 To send mail to a friend in SWG, enter their name as swg.servername.charname
Sending Tells (instant messages) uses the same syntax across EQII and SWG:
7 To send a tell to someone on another server, type /t servername.charname
7 To send a tell from EQII or SWG to a friend playing EQ, type /t eq.servername.charname
7 To send a tell from EQII or SWG to a friend playing SWG, type /t swg.servername.charname
Joining Chat Rooms (In EQII, joining these rooms is also possible from the Chat Options screen accessible by right-clicking a chat window):
7 To join a chat room on another server in the same game, type /join servername.roomname
7 To join a chat room from EQII to a SWG server, type / join swg. servername.roomname
7 To join a chat room from SWG to an EQII server, type / join eq2. servername.roomname
7 To join a chat room from SWG or EQII to an EQ server, type /join eq.servername.roomname
7 If a room is under other rooms (this is common in SWG, for example), type /join swg.servername.grandparentroomname.parentroomname.roomname Messaging from EverQuest to other EQ servers and other SOE games uses a slightly different syntax, [t instead of /t for tells, and [join instead of /joinchannel for joining chat rooms:
Sending mail uses the same syntax across EQ, SWG and EQII:
7 To send mail to someone on another EQ server, enter their name as servername.charname
7 To send mail to a friend in SWG, enter their name as swg.servername.charname
7 To send mail to a friend in EQII, enter their name as eq2.servername.charname
Sending Tells (instant messages):
7 To send a tell to someone on another EQ server, type [t servername.charname
7 To send mail to a friend playing SWG, type [t swg.servername.charname
7 To send mail to a friend playing EQII, type [t eq2.servername.charname
Joining Chat Rooms:
7 To join a chat room on the same server, type [join roomname
7 To join a chat room on a different EQ server, type [join servername.roomname
7 To join a chat room in SWG, type [join swg.servername.roomname
7 To join a chat room in EQII, type [join eq2.servername.roomname
7 If a room is under other rooms (this is common in SWG, for example), type [join swg.servername.grandparentroomname.parentroomname.roomname
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