May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the arse of anyone who f#@ks up your new year and may their arms to be too short to scratch it. All the best for 2010.
Your friendly neighbourhood executioner
Dodferatu Orlok
<Please insert something witty of your own choosing here>
Perhaps a bit wiser, a bit kinder, too, a little bit braver, a heart that's more true, a touch of believing I've not known before, in joys I'm receiving a little bit more.
A little more anxious to reach out my hand, despite hurt or problems to still understand, accepting the heartache that life often brings, a little more beauty in life's simple things.
A prayer when I'm weary as onward I trod, a little more trusting, believing in God, 'tis this I would wish for within moments dear, not a lot - just a little this wondrous new year.