*Tip-toes while looking around nervously* Uhm, hello, everyone! Long time since I was here last time, wasn't it. Got the site address from Audie over the mail, and since I forgot it.. I'm grateful, otherwise I would never find my way back here again. (Yes, you may blame Audie for sending the smiley spammer back to the forum!)
How are you all? Have heard that some are still around the galaxies, and that's nice to know since I'm planning to get back for a short while if I ever get the opportunity. From the start however, since Antiara missed the last shuttle from Infinity. But that's probably best so I don't have to feel like a high(ish) noob instead of a lowbie noob. How many of you are still around, and what are you up to these days if you are not? (Incase they're around here to keep in touch!)
/Sarah, AKA. Antiara Elfwood
Dum dum dum Duuuuum.. Anti´s return might draw close.. Run for your lives! (Lets see how many days it take for it to actually work though.)
Oh... This might be a piece of history there? I am in SWG for quite a while, but I think I never saw you in game. But I have seen you name in guild list. When do you plan to return?
Wow as if well I still try and play now and then not as much as I used to back in the day your return has been mega mega delayed for far too long i've missed ya
Oh... This might be a piece of history there? I am in SWG for quite a while, but I think I never saw you in game. But I have seen you name in guild list. When do you plan to return?
Well.. Halfly so, maybe. Well, I don't remember your name, so think you're one of the KS I've never met yet! I was a member of KS quite a long, long way back. I think I was in it for a few years until I quit SWG due to me being unhappy about the CU or whatever it was called, mostly because I was robbed of the chance to become a jedi the old, and very challenging (Atleast I remember it to be!) way, and that they nicked my precious little pets away. (Bio-engineer poofed just like that.)
The only reason I regret doing it is because I lost contact with all my SWG friends I loved soo much.
As for my return, I've said quite a few times that I will return soon, but never did, so I think I will be nicer than my young self and just say that I will try to be back as soon as I can find the opportunity in my economy to pay for a month or so.
And yeah, I can understand that, Starkset. Must be getting alittle old now after all these... What is it.. 6-7 years, maybe? And I've missed you too, but I missed you guys a thousand times more than you've missed me.
/Sarah, AKA. Antiara Elfwood.
Dum dum dum Duuuuum.. Anti´s return might draw close.. Run for your lives! (Lets see how many days it take for it to actually work though.)
Yeah, I probably will. If I don't get sucked into the idea of going Jedi after all. Not sure how many characters you can have in SWG nowadays. Still one, I bet? Maybe two? Remember that you could unlock another slot if you did something.. Think it was become a jedi, but I don't remember. (Not even sure if you were stuck with just one slot from the start either. )
Dum dum dum Duuuuum.. Anti´s return might draw close.. Run for your lives! (Lets see how many days it take for it to actually work though.)
Hey Antiara, would be great to have you roaming the galaxies again!! :)
I think you will like it much more then after the CU, as you already know beastmaster is back (in a new form) and you can have 2 characters now.
And there are still a few ancients left that play, and to show you around :D.
But be carefull we are not so yougthfull anymore, so we propably cant keep up with you, with our walking sticks!!
I hope I will, and yeah. Just have to do a coin flip once the time come to decide if Antiara is going to be jedi, or beast master, and the other slot pick the missing of the two.
And I'm glad to hear so, looking forward to meet all of these 'ancients'. Not likely to be before maybe sometime in the end of next month as earliest, but I will try to find a chance before then.
And meh, I'm sure you can keep up. You are as young as you make yourself to be! Just be careful not to overdo it, wouldn't want you to stretch your backs or break something. *Cough*
Dum dum dum Duuuuum.. Anti´s return might draw close.. Run for your lives! (Lets see how many days it take for it to actually work though.)
Oh? Haha, ahem.. I knew that, I was just testing you, yes.. Well, that's quite nice. Then that is probably what I will become. Is Jedi still one of the main PvP characters like in the old days? Hunted by bounty hunters and such?
Dum dum dum Duuuuum.. Anti´s return might draw close.. Run for your lives! (Lets see how many days it take for it to actually work though.)
Well , i wouldnt say they are the main, if i was to be doing lots of pvp i wouldnt choose Jedi :P Spy or Medic Perhaps :), and everyone can be hunted by bounty hunters, if you are killed by someone in PVP you get an option to place a bounty on them :) i dont really know much about PvP :P as someone is bound to point out :)
Beer is not the answer, Beer is the question, "Yes" is the answer.
Lol paralyzed duck indeed Well think pvp will probably be the last thing on your mind to begin with but there sure will be alot of new content for you to discover and lot's of people to help you out
Don't think PvP will cross my mind at all for a long time, really. If it ever will cross my mind at all, that is. Lots of more content, huh? Looking forward to it! But ofcourse, won't happen in less than a month. Is it possible to use paypal when paying for a month, by the way? Or is it only credit cards (And maybe Gametime cards still, none available here though.) still?
Dum dum dum Duuuuum.. Anti´s return might draw close.. Run for your lives! (Lets see how many days it take for it to actually work though.)
Hmmm I had a look on my unsubbed account couldnt see a paypal option But suppose you could alway's use paypal to buy a gametime card of ebay or a game website i'd reckon