As darth has departed with force speed. the pearl drops the ground and cracks open revealing a holo msg for imnotamoose telling the gathered crowd that jess is the last hope for peace in the galaxy and must not under any circumstance fall to the dark side ......
Gydion./checkbackpack hmm compleet armor scatterpistols lightcannon hmmmmm where did ... looks at Devon .......huh hunny?.... where did you put my SuperAerodynomicWater-RepellentClimatecontroleBattlesocks ?
first thing they diside to do is hunting down Isharra to let her infiltrate near Darth Vaders closest advisers, to hopefully locate the whereabouts off little Jess
When they catch up with Isharra trying to flee eisly in her tie interceptor she seem's reluctant to help at first so devon come's up with a plan to tickle torture her into submission ...
isharra beaks after a staggering 3min of tickling and tells that darth is currenty hiding on kashyyyk somewere in a tree mostlikely :D So we start looking for that other imperial a wookie know as TCB to guide us there.
The wookie that's-alway's-around-but-never-seen already knew that they would seek him out, for he has been watching the comotion for a while, the surch took 5 minutes coz he wanted to get found, he was "hiding" behind the ticketcollector at AR....
And TCB being a big softy agreed to lead them all to Kash, so everyone gathered at Mos Eisly spaceport launched into space and set there coordinations to Kash neutral terriotorie's and prepered to hyperjump.....
..although soloing a corvette in a z95 headhunter is a whole different thing isharra gives it her best shot. There they went...fullspeed for the corvettes bridge......
They managed to get to the second floor unnoticed, but Devon was so nervous that she accidently tripped over her owen feet and made a terrible BANG when she hit the floor hard....
..Silence fell as the group watched the spare change from Devons flightsuit roll down the coridoor and around the corner to where we knew a Novatrooper Commander was on Sentry duty.....
The commander came around the corner, the group prepered themselfs for battle, the commander raised his weapon and took a breath to warn the crew of the invaders, when he suddenly collapsed. As he fell down, the group saw Tale and Talen behind the commander, smiling to the confused group "Sorry we are late, we had to take care of a Krayt Dragon before we could join u all. Good thing we attached a tracking devise to Gydion's backpack"...
'Stop!' Shouted Jibblett, 'its just the Empires new adopt a Bothan initiative!' Undeterred, Tale sprints after the new foster parent and with an accepting sigh the others follow suit. 'This wil end in trouble with social services' Jibblett says under his breath...
As the group sprints for the ship, Talen sneaks into the hanger and hops into an advanced tie and thinks hmmm this looks familliar.....oops did i say that out loud.
Not worrying about the past Talen locates Vaders Escape Pod as it turns into an Opressor (Damn Jedi Tricks) and starts sending a signal to the others.
..The group reach the hangar and leap into a group of awaiting ties, eager to catch up with Tale before he has all the fun to himself. Its only when clear of tha hangar that nearly everyone realises they dont know how to fly a tie, and they were lucky to have got this far. Eppi, Tale and Ish continue on oblivious whilst the others drift and watch helplessley...