wile floating around helplessly alas takes the time to look around the cockpit and sees a instuction manual Piloting 101 "Property of the Imperial navy" and starts reading as the tie slowly gets pulled towards a near by moon
Still no word from our brave adventurers, did they escape the clutches of the Empires war machine? Are they still trapped aboard? Will we ever see any of them again? Do they even now fight on for freedom, liberty and the escape from tyranny? Only you can decide....
Alas finally gets going After reading the manual for days :D finally get th engines going and sets a course for the clostest safe place to land,delusional by the 6 days of spinning around in space she sets course for the rebel outpost on rori ... Forgetting she's in a imperial fighter.....
while fiddling with switches in his ship a space bug crawls out of the glove box and turns on Audie's saber, which melts all this steering controls and jams his throttlwe on full...
Beer is not the answer, Beer is the question, "Yes" is the answer.
Thinking that these seperate maneuvers are part of some dastardly plan, and having got Tie fighter pilot for dummies read to him by Briccys, Jibb begins his supporting suicide run on the Decimator...
So Alastrina is heading to a rebel outpost in a tie fighter, Audie on drift in one and Jibblett is taking on a decimator in a tie Eppi, Tale and Isharra are long gone.
And the rest we can only guess what happend with them and where they are now.
Will the brave (but silly) adventurers find each other again. And more important will the extremly force sensitve Jess be freed from the clutches of Vader?..........
Stay tuned till after the commericial brakes..........
For sale in the galaxies only: nuna meat in Darth Vader styled cans ! Swoop to your local supermarket and buy your own Darth Vader cans today! This all for an amazing price of ...
We now return you to your scheduled programming...
Our heroes are suddenly distracted by a disturbance in the force, Baby Jess has used the little known and much feared Force Nappy Fill power, Vader is suddenly helpless and everyone can follow the smell to get to her rescue as quickly as possible....
Finally reaching the rebel outpost on rori ( after dodging some incoming "friendly fire" since it was a tie fighter and imperial radio systems are terribly complex no wonder there evil they can't talk to each other and find out there on the wrong side),get a SAR started for the adrift tie's and lost members of KS.
(mean wile on tatooine)
Strage scientist- picking up some unuseal readings from the endor systems, some kind of power flux ...........
Tale Suddenly awakens from a bad dream but doesn't remember where or who he is.
As he peers out of the porthole of the command bridge the only thin he recognizes is the Victory Class Star Destroyer approaching.
A wierd feeling leeds to Tale dawning the Imperial Captians Uniform anlong with small little voice in head saying .... goooo dooo daaa daa h...e...l...p....goo....daaaaa. m...e....
Devon recives a galaxymail with a warning that the great B aka Bumbleboo has awoken after a 2 year's "sleep"....what is she to do......run like hell seems a good idea......before she finds out her hubbie isn't her hubbie anymore....
until the corrilian medical unit saw his spreading his madness and called in the docs witht those white jackets that have to long sleeves and so gy was not heared from for awile
while the doc's bringing gy to the ship attacks electrical pusle weapon and as they grab the doors they get zapped with electricity throws gy over his shoulder and runs to av21 taking off leaving a calling card at the seen of the crime Burgler back from the dead