EDIT: adding Chiss.. how could I forget! Also adding Barabels from the expanded Universe, they're like trando's but bigger and with tails..and they are capable of becoming Jedi.
EDIT by me :P make a poll Can't add Barabels MAX nr of options is 20
EDIT again me couse im my deep knowlage of SW Species i thought ish and tib were 2 spicies :D corrected and added Barabels
I vote for Selonian though, just so I can follow one around shouting Weasel! Weasel!
(engage geek mode)
Klaatu, Barada and Niktu are from the film The Day The Earth Stood Still, they are a chant the Alien gets the girl to memorise to stop the robot from attacking.
Looks like Jibb beat me to the Geek Award :P Personally I'll vote for the Yuuzhan Vong. Time the Jedi had some competition
Yuuzhan Vong would be a nice option to take as an alternative to Jedi after FS, but I didn't mention them since they don't fit into the current time line :(
Jibblett wrote: I have also just been told that Klaatu, Barada and Niktu are from Army of darkness too.. apparently..
Indeed, as a homage to that film, Sam Raimi made those the magic words to safely take the necronomicon ex mortis from its stand... although Ash (Bruce Campbell) is such a dunce, he can't remember them properly
audiem wrote: whats the green one wiht all the long hair skin things he has the part on AOTC where he pushes the SBD over and smiles???
Ooo, I know the one you mean - sits on the Jedi council, has his own little bit in the 'Clone Wars' animation too... Master... grrr, it's on the tip of my tongue.... *sigh* I'll work it out and post a slightly less pointless reply