Jibblett wrote: then SOE and LA have lost the plot big style. Think that's taken as read anyway!! And I think I heard the new XBox is coming out at Christmas... so we get to be the guinea pigs to work out all the bugs before SWG goes live for the console monkeys
Nah, i lost the idea that it will be released on the consoles. They are denying hard, and the covers shown on the shop are old (didn't know that at the time of posting), from the days back when SWG was about to have a console version (more then a year ago, maybe even at the very beginning. At least not in the near future The only reason for this is because of technical difficulties, if they could, they would.
The christmas part though is what made this change happen. They want to sell the SWG starterskit at christmas, they aim for a new market (lower age probably, not sure), with different gameplay, and for less complicated games.
Maybe they are right in this view even, market view wise. Star wars has the name. Making it available for all star wars fans, by making the game simpler, and more accesable. Shame of the game they had, and the great potential of the game, but why would they care? It aint their aim to make the best game on the market, nor the most challaging. Their new aim is making it available for a as broad as possible market, and sell it to as many as possilble star wars fans
Clicky to PS3 preview site :D http://spel.playstation-3.se/index_eng.php As u see in the list below :D SWG And this console has the option for usb keyboard. So who know we might get console "friends"after all :D would be the first time they say A and mean well B but were not telling u
Well, they didnt say never, they did say not this christmas :) And SWG has been planned for console since launch, so the option is still open.
But if those gaming station are equiped with keyboard (and replacement for mouse) it may become acceptable... But think the average age will drop though...