Hey everyone, I'm Almar from AlmarsGuides.com, you may have heard of me by now, I've been making a ton of guides for Swtor the past few weeks. Here I am going to show off my newest guide which goes over how long it takes to gear up through PvP in swtor. Many people have this same question so this should be fairly useful for everyone!
If you'd like to view the actual page which has pictures and stuff on it, follow the link below.
Champion Gear Bags
I felt that Champion Gear Bags deserved their own page just because I know a ton of people will have questions about them since they are pretty much the main thing players will be grinding for gear at max level. One Champion Gear Bag will have one or three Centurion Commendations in it and a chance at a Champion Gear Token which can be turned in for a piece of Champion gear. As I mentioned on the PvP Gear page and the comparison page, Champion gear is one step above Centurion Gear and Battlemaster gear is above Champion Gear.
Battlemaster Gear doesn't come from the Champion Gear bags though, Nor does Centurion Gear actually. In fact the only gear you can actually get from the Champion Gear Bags is Champion Gear, unless you count the Centurion Commendations you get as gear, but I don't. The Centurion Commendations can be used to purchase gear, of course, but it takes a lot more than a single bags worth to get gear. Below is an example of what you get when opening a Champion Gear Bag.
That's just an example of a single Campion Gear Bag. It's a normal find in a bag, I've personally never got below 3 Centurion Commendations when opening a bag before but I've heard of a few people saying they got a single commendation... Who knows, maybe it is out dated information from beta. Out of 5 bags that I have opened I've gotten 3 Unassembled Champion tokens to turn in for gear which I'd say is rather decent.
Unassembled Champion Covert Tech Mainhand Weapon
The downside of gearing up through these bags is it takes about 2 hours to get a bag depending on how much your faction loses and wins (Republic loses 9 out of 10 games on my server so I probably get like the least amount of commendations possible each and every game). So every two hours I get a single Champion Gear Bag with 3 Centurion Commendations and a chance at a piece of Champion Gear. Since it takes at least 20 or more Centurion Commendations to buy a piece of Centurion Gear, that means I could be waiting an entire day for a new piece of gear.
How Long It Will Take To Gear Up
This is probably the biggest question anyone will have when it comes to gearing up through PvP. Everyone wants to know how long it will take... Well, I'm going to give you the best breakdown I possibly can of each piece of gear, how many Centurion Commendations it takes and roughly how long it will take to acquire that many. For this list I am using the gear available to my Jedi Shadow, I understand some classes use two weapons instead of a single one, but keep in mind that the price of the single 2h weapon is the same price of both your weapons together.
Centurion Focus (Offhand) - 24 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Boots - 39 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Bracers - 25 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Gloves - 39 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Headgear - 39 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Legs - 39 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Chestpiece - 39 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Implant - 21 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Weapon - 72 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Earring - 21 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Implant 2 - 21 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Relic - 14 Centurion Commendations
Centurion Relic 2 - 14 Centurion Commendations
If you had to purchase every single piece of Centurion gear it would cost you a total of 393 Centurion Commendations. The good thing about this is by opening the Champion Bags you will get Unassembled pieces of Champion Gear (Tokens as I call them) which can be turned in for gear. You won't get a ton of tokens from the bags but you'll get enough to the point of where you won't have to worry about collecting all 393 Centurion Commendations.
Now for the scary math part... The part that factors in the absolute worst luck you could ever have and considers what would happen if you didn't get a single Champion Token to turn in. Are you ready for it? If you don't get a single Champion token to turn in it will take you a total of 136 bags to get every single piece of gear on this list. If you take into consideration how long it takes in order to acquire a bag, (about two hours), the amount of time to get all the bags is pretty scary.
If you liked this guide, here are a few more guides I made for PvP in swtor
PvP gear guide - http://almarsguides.com/swtor/pvp/pvpgear.cfm
Leveling Up in Warzones - http://almarsguides.com/swtor/leveling/warzones.cfm
The Civil War PvP Guide - http://almarsguides.com/swtor/pvp/warzones/civilwar.cfm
Huttball PvP Guide - http://almarsguides.com/swtor/pvp/warzones/huttball.cfm
The Voidstar PvP Guide - http://almarsguides.com/swtor/pvp/warzones/voidstar.cfm