Audie - Vangard (Tank) - lvl 50 - Armstech
Audius - Jedi Sentinal (DPS)- Lvl 50 - Artifice
Audey - Jedi Sage - Lvl 27 -
Audriem - Gunslinger (DPS) - Lvl 19 - Biochem
TS Name - Audie
-- Edited by audiem on Monday 17th of December 2012 08:16:10 PM
-- Edited by audiem on Monday 21st of January 2013 01:26:25 AM
Beer is not the answer, Beer is the question, "Yes" is the answer.
Ragewalker - Jedi Guardian/Tank - lvl 55 - Biocam advansedRagie - Commando/Dps - lvl 55 - Armomech advansedGeordie'Boy - Jedi Sentinel/Dps lvl - crew skills not desidedBrit'ney - Jedi Sage/Healer - lvl - crew skills not desided
-- Edited by ragie on Monday 13th of May 2013 06:45:08 PM
Something i made, might be usefull to someone :P