I was thinking of adding an extra event moment to do ops that can take a while like scum and villainy or to try out the harder modes we have not quite mastered yet. This way we can make sure that the wednesdays and sundays event have low frustration levels and we are quite sure we will make some ultimate commendations.
The new day we can then try to do the harder/longer stuff to test ourself and possibly get extra coms.
I recon a friday or a saturday would be best for this because most of us have more time to spend on those days. So please fill in your preference
As others, really depends on a weekly basis. For example this week friday is fine, saturday I can't. Of course, I'm moot point unless pushing EC HM/NM through xD
Nothing for fridays at the moment. This is just a poll to see who prefers what, and at the moment the saturday afternoon moment seems to be the favorite
So the saturday event is TfB and nothing else right? So I can search the GF/Fleet chat for other ops to fill my weekly unlock pass with and have to keep nothing open :)
Im not sure how to read the question. If you mean comming saturday, yes it will be only TfB since i recon it will take a while. But i dont think the Saturday's event will be limited to just TfB. Everything that proofs really hard for us can be scheduled here. But since TfB and S&V HM will most likely proof to be the most challenging i assume we will spend quite some time there. I would also be up for trying different stuff like EC nightmare mode, Toborro's courtyard hard mode (when we got the gear), really tough world bosses. For this Saturday its TfB HM though, and depending on how hard it proofs to be we will keep trying that for the next few weeks (kinda like what we did at TfB sm at level 50)