Hello all, I wold like to start a new event series for city sieges or invasions. These can all be played either special foces (with PvP) or not. Being SF will give a token and GCW bonus tho.
In the construction phase it would be nice to have a group of different traders who construct defensive or offensive stuff. Ppl without traders can also take part and deploy resources the traders share with them to the pylons.
In the Invasion Phase ppl can switch to their combat toons and support the invasion either SF or not, or repair stuff with their traders. Ppl running 2 accounts can even get the GCW for invasion on both toons if running them both at the same time and leaving one AFK at a camp afer doing some missions.
During both phases it would be cool to have Ents up at invasion camps or in a defending city. The also can be AFK, only have to have the mission to entertain personal. So there is pretty much for everybody.
I am up for groups like this almost all the time I am on when a city siege starts.