Thursday 22nd Sptember 18:00 GMT (BST) erm time in UK type thing Yavin Meet at Mining OP Wander towards Geo Lab, killing all in our way, looking out for Black Sun. Stop off at Mutant Acklay spawn to collect the trophy if people want. Farm Black Sun if we find em. Geo Lab run if not.
Please bring sensible clothing, a packed lunch, and make sure that you have permission slips from a responsible adult signed and available to hand in to your tour guide. Those without permission slips will be forced to wait at the cantina whilst everyone else has fun!
Please sign up below.. In the event of a huge response group compositions will be determined by your tour guides, taking into consideration tanking / healing / group balance, and who we like the most!
ok on the slip where it says do u have any disabilites... does that mean that if u say...well would that mean if... well im not saying o done this.... that one would accidently of had chooped his arm of with a saber would that... count as a disability? not saying i have...but just to be on the safe side... and i want a window seat on the coach...plz
Beer is not the answer, Beer is the question, "Yes" is the answer.
Me Alas Martyn Einia (pc dependant) Rom (pc dependant) Ycal Sever Nilky Audie
I'm sure there will be some stragglers too
Just to confirm.. there is no ultimate point to this trip, except having a laugh, we will be walking everywhere, so wear sensible shoes (No Heels Martyn!) and maybe getting killed by some Black Sun if we are lucky.
You'll find out when you hit the real world that you're lucky if you're anywhere near home by then!!!
I may or may not be around, but will probably be finishing off the first Freelance pilot squad.... on the other hand, if killing this acklay fellow gets me another badge, might have to catch yas all up....
Extended maintenance from 4am PST to 12pm PST.. so by my feeble calculations that means 12pm GMT to 8pm GMT, bastids.
So to those who were panicking about the 6pm start, seems like you got a couple of hours reprise I will be hangin around waiting to log on from a fair bit earlier htough
Thanks to those who turned up and made this little outing a riet old giggle.
Did anyone know there were Klikniks on yavin? Astounding?
We managed to get to the Mutant Acklay, do the geo lab, kill the 'proper' Acklay and then spend an hour and a bit culling Black Sun spawns. Looted a BH helm and Boots, so we have the beginnnings of the KS suit of mando
Apologies to those who died, unless it was you own fault
Congrats to Nilky for not only going to Yavin for the 1st time, but getting her acklay trophy and badge at the same time