have ticket, will be on from about 16:00 UK time and theoretically all night, depending on boredom and tolerance of mindering around doing nothing as usual.
Event: Organ Donor Sunday 23rd July 6.30pm UK time (plenty of notice) teams of players will be required to hunt down various creatures and harvest items from them (List to be supplied) Items must be placed in the pack provided and the 1st team to deliver the pack with all of the items back to the event organiser will be the winner.
Hunt trophy and cash prize of 1 million credits to the winning team.
further details to be supplied nearer the time. Please let me know if you are interested in taking part as I would need to know about number of teams etc. beforehand.
Wookieville hunting party. Bring along a Kasshyk quest and we (well me at least) will try to help you get it done. I will eb trying Blackscale compound and then probably the Cyscc space thingy, but any and all wookieworld quests will be viable Theres also the space quests for those of us that have done the kasshyk corvettes, not tried them since I got mushed by a Nova doing it months ago.
Either Jibblett, Jibby or Briccys will be mindering around at the sp from early evening ish.
hmmmm i think i got a kash quest b4 the blackscale compound its a space one think u n me tried it together jibb a while back but i sucked and we died hmmmm, i should be about on the 20th so im game :)
following reports of NS activity from Audie, we are plannign to raid thier stringholds on Sunday 27th August.
Assemble at Dath Mining OP at 7.00 UK time and we will head east to try and snuff out thier growing pockets of resistance. If the search is fruitless we will go straight for thier stronghold.
1st Seasonal Houseball Tournament - Sponsored by Gydion.
Teams of 2 people to enter. A ball will be placed in the centre of the arena. At either end of the arena will be 'goals' Players are to move the ball around using the furniture /move commands. When the ball enters the goal (over half of teh ball must be in the goal) a point is scored. games will last 10 minutes. Highest scoring team wins, and progresses through the tournament.
No sticky targeting No macros for moving stuff.
Rules are simple, 10 minute games, team that score highest wins. trophy and prize for Winners & Highest scorer.
If it works out ok, then we cna make this a semi-regualr thing and open it out to friends of guild too.
but it wont work cos non of my events ever work out properly
if you use a furniture movement command on an item it automaticaly makes it a intended target, so that would be sticky targeting? and what would be the maximum distabcee 1? 10? 100? 500?
Beer is not the answer, Beer is the question, "Yes" is the answer.
MMM not a quest as such but starky kinda need's some help building his jetpack im pretty sure i have all the bit's tho heard somewhere u need to take a bit of BH armour with u to get into the room?? tho i have a few pieces of them anyway only prob's i have is i cant seem to get boba to talk bout dwb to me anymore?? mmm not sure when to do this tho im pretty sure it will have to be a time suitable for our lovely guildmistress :))
The stage is set for the inaugural KS houseball tournament, the cutting edge new passtime that is taking the galaxy by storm. No-one knows why because no-one knows anyone who has played it, but rumour has it thats its brilliant!
The first competition will take place this coming Sunday 3rd Septemeber at 6.30 uk time.
It will take the form of a doubles tournament, with a round-robin style format.
teams are gathering from all over the.. well.. local houses to be honest so be sure to sign up as swiftly as possible.
A brief rundown of the rules:
a) 10 minute matches
b) winning team is the one that scores the most goals in that time.
c) A goal is scored when the ball completely crosses / enters the designated goal area.
d) the goal area is denoted by carefully placed regulation 'goal blocks'
e) upon scoring a goal the 'conceding side' starts with possession of the ball in the middle of the arena
f) the ball is to be moved using ye-olde furniture movement commands.
g) no movement distance of greater than 100 is to be used for any one move
h) no macroing of the /move command is allowed, you may assign it to your toolbar, but not on a looping macro. please do not cheat as there is no point otherwise.
i) /move up and /move down are also permitted, but.. if the ball goes above 'head height' as determined by the referee, or below floor level the game will be stopped and restarted from the centre of the arena.
j) the referees desciscion is final
k) there will be a trophy for the winning team as well as for the highest scoring team.
l) if uit all goes horibly wrong I will submit myself to a mass duel and you can all beat the crap out of me.
I would like to have player in 'kits' as well if possible.. but this will be for a later tournament.
Mustafar excursion Jibb has done nothing on that god forsaken rock, Bricc needs droid fact 2 onwards, so we will pick a quest chain and run with it for the evening.