hey mate, cyssc is a toughy so Im sure alot of people need to do that one. If waro is about we should deffo try and grab him, and alas too, need zippy fast ships with some firepower too :P
Supa! Well all of you who think you can make it some time this weekend, please /tell me or send me some Mail letting me know when you think you'll be around.
"One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship."- George Orwell
I'm gonna be *TRYING* to collect holocrons this week and probably this weekend if anyone's interested.
"One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship."- George Orwell
Me and the lovely Alas are on mission 3 of the Dantooine part of the Rebel Themepark This is apparently the hardest mission in the whole thing.. so we tried it last night, and failed utterly.
We have done the 1st part which is to kill a couple imps by the Jedi ruins, but then we have to go to an Imp bunker and complete some tasks.
The bunker is guarded by pairs of 88 elite stormies and officers who run around and aggro thier buddies 15m away :D
Since it was just me and Alas we struggled a bit, so maybe some time in the near future we could plan in for a few of us to have a go at it? I know we are all spread thrughout different stages of the TP, it would be good to get a few of us to catch up and maybe even *shock* complete it one day :D
13. Haven't Given Up Dantooine Yet [Group] Level 89
Description: Your assignment from Mon Mothma is to investigate a damaged Imperial Reconnaissance droid that was detected in the area. This is probably going to be probably the hardest mission of the Rebel Theme Park, so be sure to bring at least two friends. The droid will be located at approximately 5475 5841. It will be guarded by an elite level 90 Stormtrooper and an elite level 88 Stormtrooper. Once you investigate the droid the mission will update. (we have done that bit)
Head the Imperial Bunker which is located at -5661 1949. The bunker is guarded by pairs of elite level 89 Stormtroopers, and the inside if full of elite level 89 and 90 Imperial NPCs. The three mission objectives are spread throughout the building, one on the top floor and two on the bottom floor. Enter the bunker. At the first junction take a left, which should be a large room with an elevator opposite the hallway. Next, go down the hallway on the same side of the room as the hallway that you entered the elevator room from. Now make your way to the area with the six circular rooms. General Kehel Sinan is a level 89 elite and can be found at approximately -5749 2019 which should be one of the small circular rooms. Now backtrack and go down the elevator. This part is going to be really tricky as multiple NPCs will attack at once, if you're not careful this may be as many as four elite level 90 Stormtroopers at once. Once you clear the way, take a left. Kill the wandering Stormtrooper. The assassin should now be all alone in the room. The assassin is a double elite level 90 named Barthis Belangus (-5758 1958). Next, go back out to the main room and take another left. Inside the room to the right will be 5 NPCs including General Stromgald Rholar (-5652, 2009). You're going to want to kill the 2 NPCs at the end of the hallway first. Once they're dead you'll have a "safe area" to pull the 2 NPCs near the door. You should be able to single pull both Stormtroopers guarding the General, and then finish off the General. Head back to Mon Mothma for your hard earned reward.
Reward: GCW Points, Rebel Assault Forest Camouflage Armor Helmet, Schematic: Spec-Ops Field Agent Pack and 129,095 experience. For your next mission travel to Yavin IV and converse with General Jan Dodonna. He can be found outside the Temple of Exar Kun at 5072 5502.
LMK When and where. I'd be more than happy to help, considering I as well need it :)
"One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship."- George Orwell
I think this would be a good idea Monty, the only issue is that they have now changed the requirements for the Musty missions, so not everyone can help everyone else.
On Jibblett I have done hardly any Musty stuff, which was never an issue, but now it means I can't help anyone out because I dont have the 'prequests' done for most of the missions.
I can always help out with Briccys if needed tho, who still needs DF2 onwards.
I still find myself in need of the Kubaza Cavern part of the Champion of Mustafar questline (and, of course all the bits following it!). I'm generally around on a Wednesday nights if anyone's up for helping out a defenceless, toothless little spy?
Aye, was a brilliant success, thanks to all who helped!
And I have to say that after the main hunt, Dod and I went on to go right the way through the Geo Labs, and we only fell at the very end to the lvl 93 gold elite Acklay! We're very impressed with ourselves, and next time we'll bring along 1 or 2 more people to take down the big butt-ugly bug :)
Yeah man I was so proud of us (a DS Jedi and a Spy) getting all the way through. Had a great laugh. Would love to go back with more heads.
The Tactical Masterplan Leg it, cloak, recover, leg it, cloak, recover, leg it, cloak, recover. Then right near the very end remember you have droids and deploy them too *sigh*
Oh by the way Ish, that ball you looted is meant to be very rare :)
<Please insert something witty of your own choosing here>
Well, as last week's one was so successful, I propose a Wednesday (14th Jan) trip to the Geo Labs to kill that big buggery bug bugger guy! It gets you a slayer collection badge and the satisfaction of knowing you survived without needing to bring your can of Raid along!
I know you'll all be busy transferring characters across, but if there are a few hardy (and bored) souls around tomorrow night from about half 8 gmt onwards, LET'S GO KICK SOME BUG!!!!
Yay I got two small balls :P Yet another master class in stumbling through the GEO Labs and somehow managing to get to the end intact. This time, through coordinated deaths, we both managed to get the weapon collection that was helpfully sitting directly underneath a lvl 93 gold elite Acklay with a hundred kajaquizillion (yes that's a real number.....in the new form of mathematics I'm devising) hit points. Maybe after hearing all the joyous funpifflebanter (yes that's a real word.....in the new dictionary I'm working on) over the group chat some others may come join us when we no doubt go back next week. Chin chin to a marvelously triumphant expedition Isharra my dear fellow.
Not so much a quest request but i am getting addicted to slayer anew and i can use some help taking out a few (whispers: hunderd) krayts so if there are any other doing or wanting to do this and other slayers let me know.
I am also up for any other guild activities like the your adventures in the geo caves dod and ish so let me know next time and if i can ill join :)
Seems our covorting naked in the GEO Labs has become a bit of a Wednesday night thing and I have no doubt we will be gleefully skipping together hand in hand through those dank and nasty dark back passages this Wednesday too, that is if Ish keeps his hands off my small balls. Failing that am always up for a good krayt hunt or a bit of the old Rebel TP (still only got about half of that).
-- Edited by Dodgar at 18:55, 2009-01-20
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Well I've only got one small ball Dod, so I'm in awe of your magnificent pair!
Unfortunately I'm working late tomorrow, so won't be home till about 21:30, but will log straight in and join whatever ill-fated expedition is going on :)
well it wasnt requested but it was a great evening/night today :D
Did some treasuremaps and afterward when through beetle cave, old rep. facil, DF1 and droid army like a hot knife through butter. even my afk on follow half decent officer didnt die once! :D
That truly was an awsome show of force last night. What a good group. Considering I was in it and so where two spies we were an unstoppable force. Never seen the beetle cavern done so quick. 14 mins wasn't it? Nice to see my man Joubert back on too :D All in all a 100% successful trip. Thanks to everyone involved. From the guild's one and only real tee totaller!!!!!
-- Edited by Dodgar at 10:41, 2009-01-24
<Please insert something witty of your own choosing here>